MTurk Python Guide: Part 1 – Creating Your First HIT
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MTurk Python Guide: Part 1 – Creating Your First HIT

Technologies: Amazon Mechanical Turk, Javascript, Python In the previous section I briefly ran you through why you might want to use Mechanical Turk. In this section we’re gonna start putting the rubber into contact with the road by designing our assignment. Here’s what we’ll cover: Creating a new assignment. Determining how much to pay. Using Javascript to improve the effectiveness of your HITs. Careful assignment design is crucial to getting the best results from Mechanical Turk. You should strive to design your assignments knowing that…


MTurk Python Guide: Part 0 – Introduction

  Technologies: Amazon Mechanical Turk, Javascript, Python What You’ll Learn In This Series How to create and customize a HIT. How to figure out how much to pay workers. How to upload assignments using the API. How to download results and pay workers using the API. How to improve your results by requiring multiple workers to complete each assignment. Mechanical Turk (MTurk) is an exciting new technology for businesses and researchers. At its most basic it lets you create tasks for other people to complete. For…